Library Card
Library Cards will be issued to any Wyandotte resident four & older.
Bacon Memorial District Library requires official identification showing the resident's name and permanent address.
Minors can receive cards if they are 4 & over if:
have a parent or legal guardian present
live in the city of Wyandotte
The following will be accepted:
Michigan driver's license or State ID card with current Wyandotte Address
or, picture ID or passport with proof of residency shown by one of the following:
car registration
current utility bill
copy of lease or mortgage
copy of property tax statement
copy of bank statemt
The Bacon Memorial District Library reserves the right to refuse a card to a person for failure to meet the above requirements.
Bacon Memorial District Library will issue temporary 30 day library card with a valid Michigan driver’s license or State ID with a current address if the individual’s home library is a member of The Library Network library (TLN). There are over 60 local cities (excluding Dearborn and Detroit) that belong to TLN.
"MILibraryCard" stickers will be applied to Bacon Memorial District library cards for Wyandotte residents on request, giving the card owner access to more than 300 participating libraries throughout the state.
Non-TLN residents must have a library card from their home library with a MILibraryCard label before they will be allowed limited access to this library.
The fee for a non-resident library card is $100 per person for one year.
Cost to replace a lost library card: $1.00.
Library Cards
Do you need a library card? Are you a Wyandotte resident? Do you need to renew your Wyandotte card? Cards or renewals can be done at the library or you may apply online. If you apply online, new cards can be picked up inside the library or mailed to your permanent Wyandotte address. All cards will be good for three years from the day the card was created or renewed.
Your library card is good at all these member libraries.
Any member of these libraries may also use our library with a valid card from your home library.
Library Cards will be given to children who are 4 and under 17 who live in Wyandotte. At least one Parent/Guardian must reside in Wyandotte and will have to send a copy of current license. All cards will expire 3 years from the date the card is created.
​You may renew your Wyandotte card if you still live in Wyandotte. If you have moved to another city, you will need to go to your new home library to update your card.
Library Cards will be given to Adults 18 and over who have permanent residency in Wyandotte.
We are happy to offer the teachers of the Wyandotte School District extended classroom checkout dates. You must be a teacher in the Wyandotte Public School District.