Remote Teen Volunteering: Book Reviews
Do you love reading? Are you looking for Volunteer opportunities? Write us a book review and receive volunteer hours for your time. Your book reviews will be used on the library website and social media.
In order for your review to count please follow these guidelines:
You must be a Middle School or High School Student
The book being reviewed must be available through Bacon Library.
Reviews must be at least two paragraphs, and a MAX of 300 words
No spoilers!
Follow the basic template found in the article How To Write a Book Review by Joanna Cutrara
We welcome original photos of the book too!
You may submit 2 book reviews a week.
After your review is submitted, it will be reviewed by a librarian. It may take up to one week to receive your review approval.
Once your review is approved you will be eligible for one volunteer hour.
Please email for any volunteer paperwork you need filled out.